Darbuka drums have been used for hundreds of years in the middle east. The word "Darbuka" roughly translates from the arabic root daraba into "To strike" or "To hit". This drum originated in middle eastern countries and then durring the mid 20th century was slowly found to have spread out into other western countries. These drums were made in turkey and have the sticker of authenticity, and now can be found in many countries. This drum can be played a number of ways due to its shape, in the lap, under the arm, rightside up, or even upside down.
Drums have held an important role through out history in many different rituals and religeous gatherings. Drums help set the mood, as well as get ones mind away from everyday activities. Some even concider drumming to be theraputic in the sence that once you start a daze can come about the person where it is just them and the music.
Darbuka Steel Drums
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