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Fennel seed is a flowering plant in the sage family, it is native to Europe but now can be found in many countries around the world. It is yellow and closly resembles Queens Ann's Lace Do Not Confuse it. The seeds are largly used in cooking for its antioxidants and many other health benifts as it contains, potassium, maganese, magnisium, iron, and calcium. Certain asian countries have been known to use this herb as an aid in food poisoning. 


Aside from the magnesium it is a great help for bone strength and growth. When used in a tea it can help give relief for respratory tract issues. Since it is so full of nutrients it is a great aid in chronic illnesses. The seed is anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti- inflammatory. 


Warning: Even though this is great for nursing wemon, and infants it is not good for pregnant wemon. 


Internal: This plant aids digestive issues, it is also easy on the stumack when in tea form for small children suffering from colic. If a breast feeding woman drinks a cup of tea a day this is greatly lesson colic in the child feeding. Many people how ever take it by mouth by chewing the seed and ingesting. This can help with digestinal issues such as heartburn, digestinal relief, bloating and gas. It can also freshin the breath! For colds it should be drank in a tea to lesson the inflamation of the branciols. 


External: Fennel has been known to help prevent greying of hair as well as hair growth and strength. Fennel also can help with skin issues such as cellulite when made into a paste as well as achne. Simply grind up the seed, add hot water until a paste , let sit for 20 minutes. Once it has sat and cooled apply to the area needed, then let that sit for 5-10 minutes and wash off. 


Metaphysical : Through out history fennel has been used in many traditions as a helper to counter negativity and ill intent. When warn on the person it is said to boost courage, clairty, and longevity. 


Fennel Seed

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