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Hawthorn berries are a well known berry as not being edable. However it does hold any health benifits that people are not aware of, like many red foods hawthorn is good for the heart. This is due to the proanthocyanidin levels it carries. Hawthrone helps relax the blood veseels andhelps lowering cholesteral levels and aids in circulation and cardiovascular fitness.  While it may not be packed full of anti-oxidants as other herbs aer it does hold anti-oxidant activities. Hawsthorn has normally been used as an addative to syrups, jams, jellies, and other food items to inhance the flavors. Even though hawthorn has been used for centuries only recently in the modern medical world have we learned of the digestive benifits, below are some suggestions for the saftly and use of hawthorn. 


 Internal : Great for many heart conditions such as, congestive heart condition, high cholesteral, and fats in the blood ( triglycerides). Another thing it helps with is heart function keeping the arteries clear and lowers chance of heart pain and muscle spasms while reducing palpilations. 


External: While there have been some trials as to what hawthorn can aid externally there has been no definative benefits as of now.


Metaphysical: Through out time hawthorn has been concidered a magical plant exspecially if growing around oak and ash, as it brings forth the better properties of the two trees, giving them the fay blessing. It is said that hawthorn is loved dearly by the fay and draws them into the home if the flowers of this plant are brought in. 


Many european cultures have used this plant in blessing of marriage and new beginnings. This plant is more highly reguarded durring may as it was placed on top of the maypole. As it flowers durring early spring it is also welcomming new life and new energy! Some beliefs even say that it is good for the heart, both physically and emotionally. Making troubled hearts feel lighter and lessoning the weight of a realationship that has ended, this is when the berries are used, however when the flower is used it is opening up for new love.


If you are having many visitors, astrally or through dreams place a small branch at the enterence of the home and by the windows to keep them out. This plant is opn many levels of exsistance.


Hawthorn Berries

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  • Please do not ingest if you are nursing, pregnant, or planning on becomming pregnant. Please speak with a specialists if you are on or taking any heart medication  before switching to natrual alternatives such as hawthorn.

    If you are a man using any sort of erectile disfunction meds please do not use hawthorn as it can greatly lower blood pressue to unsafe levels.

    Hawthorn can reduce blood clotting and should not be used before surgery. If a surgery is scheduled please stop ingesting two weeks before your scheduled appointment.


    Only use two weeks on and 4 weeks off for the best effects. If you use hawthorn for longer than 16 days it may lesson the benifits from the plant in your system.

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