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Colds are rough exspecially now when every cough and sniffle needs an excuse. The worst is when it is a lung cold. Wheezing, phlem, chest pains, are all common side effects of chest colds. While many will cave in and fill them selves up with diffrerent medications, not all meds focus on the lungs, just the symtoms. Our Lung and Cold Tea not only focuses on the symptoms but also helps relieve you of other non visable symptoms of your cold like inflamations of the broncials, being able to break down the phlem and unattach it from the lung walls, cough suppresant and help rid of any lingering bacteria through out the throat as well. 


Below is a list of the ingredients and a simplified exsample of what they do to aid in our lung health.


Thyme : Cough suppresent , helps fight infections of lungs, helps lower the inflamation of pulmonary tissues and bronchial tubes.


Sage : Expectorant, aids break down of phlem and helps it release from lung walls. Sooths the lining for when you cough it will not flex as hard as it will relax the lung tissue. This can benifit even the worst respatory infections. 


Fannel : reduce inflamation of lungs, cough suppresent, and aids fevers to break faster. This plant has natrual melatonin and will help one relax and sleep well (even with a bad cold).


Catnip : great aid for flu, bronchitis, as it focuses on the bronchial tubes. Aids in sleep as well as digestive. Fevers and head aches that can come with a cold have no fight against this. Catnip will help you absord and digest the other herbs to get their ful effect. Good immune support. 


Rosemary : relieves head tension, breaks fevers, helps with some pain, fight your infection and boost your immunity. 


Tea "Lung and Cold"

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    Product not-as-described: such issues should be reported as soon as possible this might simply been a mix up of addresses and we would wish to fix it quickly and in a timely manner.

  • This tea is a special hand made blend of Pirate Industries . It is made with all natrual organic herbs. 

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