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Mugwart can be found in many places around the world such as the united states, China and Europian countries. It is from the Artemesia genus. Although there are many different variations of this plant, what we carry is known as "Common Mugwart". Another more well known plant from this genus is woomswood, which we will be carrying soon. 


Mugwart is antibacterial, it is a stimulant, anti-inflamatory, homostatic, anti-septic, and there has been little research as to its aid in exspelling pin warms from the body.


Common Mugwart can be used for alot of different things many countries around the world have used it for all things mainly as an extra flavor or seasoning in cooking exspecially meats. It has a strong bitter taste to it. Before hops was introduced to beer mugwart was a very popular ingredient. 


Internal: Mugwart has many benifitial for feelings of unease whether it is the stumack or the head. Mugwart calms colic and hleps digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation. For those who suffer hard menstral cycles it has been known to help regulate the flow and the cramps. It is not good for wemon who think they are pregnant or are thinking of becomming pregnant as it can cause early birth. It was once used to help with inducing births. 


Mugwart was commonly used to aid sleep as well as sleep walking. Just before warned of intese dreams.


External: Mugwart has been used as an essential oil. This oil is then added to bug repellants and helps keep away all those pesty bugs. 


Smoking herbs: There are many herbs that have been used through out time as a tool in shamanic practaces. Many native tribes added it to their tabacco mixtures. It is said to be like mullen in its calming nature. Bitter but smooth in taste it should bring about a euphoric ease, it is not like marijuana as it does not get you stoned. 


Metaphysical ; Throughout time many shamans , druids, or healers have used mugwart as a main ingredient. Mugwart is said to have "good luck" properties. Travelers would keep it on them for protection while traveling. Depending on the herbal concoction it can also be a psychoactive or psychotropic this can happen by the amounts of thurjon in the plant. However here at Pirate Industries we do not have the genus which can produce these effects.  The most you will get out of common mugwart is very intense dreams.


 Shamans and medicine men/wemon would make pouches of herbs. one of the main ingredient was mugwart.  Sleep with it by your pillow to aid in astral work or OBE. Drink tea of mugwart to aid in propheric dreams and learning lucid dreaming. When rubbed over the third eye it can aid in seeing. 




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    Major defects: although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. Such issues must be submitted for our contact page. We keep the right to rectify the error or defect within 72 hours. If any deficiency is approved and we fail to correct it within 72 hours from the date of the initial complaint letter or any other notification provided by a Customer, we will offer an exchange of any product worth the same value or less in our online store.

    Product not-as-described: such issues should be reported as soon as possible this might simply been a mix up of addresses and we would wish to fix it quickly and in a timely manner.

  • Do not use if you are breast feeding, pregnant, or trying to become pregnant. This can induce early labor. Do not use if you are suspectable to hay feever or have an allergic reaction durring hay feever time. Do not use regularly as it can cause liver isssues later down the line. If digestinging please wait one week before a 2nd dose. 

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