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Midor Dragon is our newest tea in aquite some time. We have Given it a strong daring name after the year of the dragon. "Midori" traslates from japanese into "green", A Green Dragon Tea. This tea contains Licorice root, Red Raseberry leaf, stinging nettle leaf, and echeania anelifolica. Each item has been hand picked and mixed to give the best optimal health benifits and taste. 


Licorice root : Liver health, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory, gut health like acid reflux and heart burn.


Red Raseberry leaf: is great for gut health, high in fiber, and anti aging properties. 


Stinging nettle : high blood preasure, high in vitamins, k, c, b, and a. Stinging nettle is also used as a natrual diuretic .


Echinacea agelifolica: while being one of the most well known herbs for immunity boosting powers and its anti cancerous properties. It is also great for inflammation and full of anti oxidants. 

Midori Dragon Tea

  • Organic herbs make this product such as stinging nettle, red raseberry, echinacea agelifolica, and licorice root. 

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