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Mint is a very common plant, but what is not common is all of its health benefits. Mint is anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Caffine Free.


Health Benefits 

Internally: Mint has been used for centuries to combat stumack related issues. Instudies it has also been shown to help IBS as it relaxes muscles which are overly active in patients whom suffer IBS. It also aids mild stumack problems and acid reflex. Great for adominal pain and nausia. Good for stubborn children who are sick, as it tastes good. Makes a good mouth wash as it freshens the breath. Use it daily for imporved breath. It is also a great tea for colds and allergies as it helps loosen mucus. Helps with menstrual pain and morning sickness. 


Externally: It can help alliviate migrains and other headaches when places on the point of pain. Simply rub into the temple and watch how fast the headache dissapears. 


Aromatherapy is great with mint as it helps wake us up! If a loved one sufferes fits, siezers, or fainting spells this is a good herb to use to help them wake up! All you need is a concentrate of mint to put under their nose. It does not work with everyone but most studies show 60% of indeviduals respond well. Because this plant helps you wake up it can also help concentrating. 


Metaphysical: When burned it promotes good healing for the household. Deoending on what history you follow it can mean a whole lot of different things. One thing in common with most is that it helps with love.

Pepper Mint

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  • IF you are dinking mint tea on a regular basis for health issues and develope heart burn, slow your intake or more to another form in getting it into your body. Even though this is a great digestive tract cleanser and relaxer it doesnt due well with the upper body when in high doses.

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