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Back by popular demand we are now carrying our specialtyy smudge kits. These kits sre gret for the beginner as well as the more advanced individual. has been around since mankind has first started keeping records. It has been used kto clean the home of negativity as well as a person's auric field. Smudging kit comes with the following:


3 Smudge Bundles

    - Sage


    - Mugwart



1 Shell which to hold the smudge stick, or to put out on.

    This can be one of 5 different shells, each set it slightly different as to add surprise. \


1 gift from us! This item can range anywhere from 10-30$. Each gift is chosen per box, it is not predesign but incognative intuition by us for to best serve our patron.  This item can be a crystal, a necklace, a spirit totem animal, tea, the list goes on and on!


This kit comes with instructions as well as interpritation for each herb and smudge bundle. So you know what kind is each bundle and what they are best used for.


Get your kit today and get rid of that left over sluggish energy! Great for the home, the care of others around you or your own personal cleansing!


Smudge Kits

  • Non-delivery of the product: due to some mailing issues of your own mail server you might not receive a delivery e-mail from us. In this case we recommend contacting us for assistance. Claims for non-delivery must be submitted to our email, in writing within 7 days from the order placing date. Otherwise the product will be considered received.

    Major defects: although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. Such issues must be submitted for our contact page. We keep the right to rectify the error or defect within 72 hours. If any deficiency is approved and we fail to correct it within 72 hours from the date of the initial complaint letter or any other notification provided by a Customer, we will offer an exchange of any product worth the same value or less in our online store.

    Product not-as-described: such issues should be reported as soon as possible this might simply been a mix up of addresses and we would wish to fix it quickly and in a timely manner.

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