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Classes and Courses of Study

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin


Mindful Meditation

Learn how to silence the mind, alleviate anxiety and stress to find peace from within. 

People far and wide suffer from intrusive thoughts, many of which are negative. Always wondering how to turn off the endless barrage of thoughts. How nice would it feel to have silence for just a moment?

In mindful meditation we will go over how to lesson negative thoughts, rewireing the brain to new and differenent thought patterns. Onces that aid us and help us think with a clearer mind. This class series will also teach how one can lesson or stop an anxiety attack or panic attack. Which can come in handing in tough sitchuations. Learning also how to recognize triggers and emotional reactions. The tools many need to move through thier daily lives with ease. 

Join us and many others as we learn how to be mindful of our selves and our lives. Meditate with us at Pirate Industries LLC

Meditating in Backyard

Numerology 101

What is numerology?

How can it benefit us?

Why is it important?

How to incorporate into life.

All of these questions and more!

Numerology 101 begins summer 2024!

Numbered Stones

Sound Baths

Every Month Pirate Industries is offering a free sound bath. This is a donations only even in which we will be leading a guided meditation using different nada yoga techniques such as drums, mantras, and sound bowls. Nada yoga is the use of sound to cleanse , realign, and get rid of stagnant energies, rebalancing  our natural energies. Find your inner calm and strength at our Monthly Sound Bath.

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