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Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

  • How and when will I recieve my orders?
    All product orders will be shipped in in 3-5 days. Fragile items will be wrapped for safty. You can chose from different shipping meathods wehen ordering to insure that the products get to you fast and safe.
  • How do I reserve a spot for one of the classes?
    There are a few ways in which this can be done. Right now our classes check in page is currently closed due to COVID-19. We will be opening back up in september to take reservations. Deposits for classes are 1/8 of cost. If we have a block of 6 classes you can pay by class and reserve a spot per class, this can be done through a deposit or paying in full, or 1/8th of the Block cost. Reserve through our website Call us and make a reservation a deposite Email us at Once our store is open you may walk in at anytime and reserve a spot. Once classes are posted move quickly because they fill up fast!
  • I bought some herbs, now what?"
    Most of our herbs are lose leaf. This means that it is nothing but the herb that was wieghed and distributed to you the buyer. Herbs can be used in many ways, in a bath, in a steamer, in food, in tea. Depending on what you are using them for talk to our specialist on what will work best for you. If you are only interested in digesting them as in a tea , we also sell tea defusers.
  • What can you do in a reading?
    Each of our readers have their own stregths and weaknessews, just like everyonje else. However the majority of questions asked are about work, love, money, family , health. We can check all that and more! Call now to see who is available. DISCLAIMER WE ARE NOT MEDIUMS, OR WITCHES. WE DO NOT OFFER SPELLS OR MEDIUM SHIP FOR THE DEAD OF ANY SORT.
  • My order is wrong, what do I do?"
    At Pirate Industries LLC we have a strict Return and refund policy. Please see our Store Policy located at the bottom of the page.
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