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Kyanite has been sued by shamans and other mystics for generations. It helps one with astral travel, dream work, past lives, and other astral remembering. IT helps us hold those memories for when we come back. MAny times people find the remembering part to be the hardest. Simply place under your pillow when you sleep and watch the results! 


It is also a popular stone amungst healers as it calms the mind and brings clairity. Pushing away unwanted thoughts and negative mind frames. It is also known as the recorder so if someone is doing deep work it will "record" the memory and help pull it back later if need be. This is also in sence a warning if you are living in hard times or difficulties as it will obsorb that energy and remember it. So use it sparingly to avoid that issue. 


This stone is also nick named the "Blue sapphire" as it brings luck to the wearing for thier dreams and endavours.  It is als a very unique blue and is named after the greek word kaynos which means deep blue. 


Kyanite hits all levels of chakras through the auric field balencing and cleansing.  It is also a great alternative to lapis as it it cheaper and easier to find.  How ever Blue kyanite like we have pictured is primarily in relation to the throat chakra. Helping us speak clearly and release pent up emotions and heal through your truth. 

Kyanite Raw

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  • Raw Kyanite 

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