Rose hip is the fruit of the rose. It is the small red ball that grows at the bottom of each rose. Rose hips are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. They are also great for the skin as they also contain vitamin E, A and B5. Thats not all though as rose hips also help with inflammation, heart problems, promote circulation, and build the immune systep. They are a great tool to help combat colds.
Internal: When taken as a tea on a weekly bases one week on and one week off. It can help reduce pain associated with rhumatoid arthritus, heart desease, and diabetes. There is still research going on now as to if it will help prevent type 2 if caught early. This is due to the fact that it normalizes blood pressue and sugars.
External: Since rose hips are so full of vitamins it is great for your skin. Rose hips made into an infusion then applied to the face will help with the elastic qualities as well as aging. Mixed with alcohol can help with achne.
Metaphysical: While rose petals are commonly used for love, rose hips are more for boosting ones self. Whether it is confidence, or immunity, protection or helping others. When added to a bath it helps with self. When placed in a pouch with other good luck herbs it helps gaurd and bring only positive people around.
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